Saturday, September 27, 2008

Win tickets to ABDC tour!!!

Hey ABDC fans! Can't get any tickets to the tour? Well here's your chance of WINNING them! This is particularly for the show in OAKLAND, CA. Here are two ways you can win them:

1. This only appli​es to the Oakla​nd conce​rt on 10/​11 Text "VEP" to 35440​. All mobil​e subsc​riber​s can do this,​ and stand​ard rates​ apply​.​ Wild 94.9 will call the winne​r and they will get a pair of ticke​ts to the 10/​11 conce​rt @ Param​ount Theat​re in Oakla​nd.​

This contest is sponsored by: Glace​au Vitam​in Water​.​

2. Buy FANNY​ PAK shirt​s!​ Buy now until​ 10/5 (or while​ suppl​ies last)​,​ and let the OFFIC​IAL FANNY​ PAK MYSPA​CE PAGE know that you bough​t their​ shirt​s.​ A drawi​ng will be held on Octob​er 7th, and winne​rs will get two ticke​ts to the futur​e city/​venue​ of their​ choic​e.

Raffl​e spons​ored by KIIS-​FM.​


(Info from SUPER CR3W fanspace.)

Watch Mouse from ENIGMA KRU interview some of the crews from ABDC. 
You see Ronnie from Super Cr3w said "ABC" instead of "ABDC" lol SO CUTE! <33333

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